Today we visited six of the supported children at Holo, Kisumu, Kenya. As in the previous two days, it was a pleasure to be welcomed to the homes of the families of the supported children.
Day 1 - Holo, Kisumu. - Happy New Year EVE! We are finally here! With a early start and about 2 hours of travel from Nairobi, we landed at Kisumu.
Today we had the opportunity and honour to visit some households in the Kibera informal settlement (slum) of Nairobi. It was good to see some of the recent improvements in infrastructure in Kibera, such as the sealing and widening of internal roads.
I was acknowledged as a contributor to the version 2.0.0 release of dbplyr! dbplyr is the database backend for the ‘data pliers dplyr’ data manipulation package in the tidyverse software suite of R statistical programming language.
Converting lyrics (in text/‘markdown’ format) to PowerPoint Christmas carols and worship songs lyrics are easily (and sometimes freely) available across the Internet. One source is SongSelect (by CCLI), though SongSelect is not free, but does help congregations support song-writers by paying appropriate royalty fees.
3:16 Bible Texts illuminated, a book written by well-known computer scientist Donald E. Knuth. Studies in reasonable detail the sixteenth verse of the third chapter of the books in the Bible.
History of the Fong, Louie and Kwong family names, the Soo Yuen Benevolent Association and other genealogy information.
Spur Afrika mobile clinics were held in January 2020, seeing children from several schools in Kibera, Kenya, and children sponsored by the Spur Afrika Elimsha program. Health activities included medical and dental checks, dental hygiene education and medication education.
Does the proposed universal bulk-billing incentive make financial sense for individual general practices? - an updated model
Does the proposed universal bulk-billing incentive make financial sense for individual general practices?
Using Windows 11 on Chromebook My Chromebook, an Asus CX9 with i5-1135G7 CPU and 16GB of memory, is extremely versatile. It can operate Android apps which are not available for Linux e.
After my AMD RX570 graphics card no longer seemed to be supported in openSuSE Leap 15.5 (or perhaps any other Linux) for use with Da Vinci Resolve video editor, I replaced the RX570 with an NVidia Geforce RTX 3060.
‘For which of you, wanting to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete it’ Luke 14:28
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20210530_11138_0042 dahlia (Kew, Victoria)
20210208_1722 flower (Kensington, Victoria)
20210208_1720 flower (Kensington, Victoria)
20210128_1635_0391 rose
David Fong is a general practitioner (family medicine doctor) working at coHealth, Kensington site. He volunteers with Spur Afrika (child development program) in Kibera, Kenya, and Elim and Agape childrens' home (HIV and disability) in Xi’an, China.
Data, Economics and Development Policy, 2019
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MITx)
Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practice, 2001
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP)
Diploma of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 1999
Royal Australia & New Zealand College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (RANZCOG)
MBBS, 1994
University of Melbourne