Spur Afrika

Kenya Spur Afrika 2021 - Christmas travel

Travelling at Christmas time can always seem a bit hectic. There are often many competing demands, co-ordination with multiple parties and tight deadlines. This year has added uncertainty, with COVID-related concerns and travel restrictions.

Kenya Spur Afrika 2021 - One Day To Go

Flight is tomorrow night 10:55pm 🙂 Please pray: I waited about 1.5 hours for my COVID test yesterday morning BUT my covid test results still haven’t come back yet (hopefully soon) but David Fong’s result is negative (yay!

Kenya Spur Afrika 2021 - Asthma spacers

When first visiting the Kibera (Nairobi) informal settlement in 2016 with the Spur Afrika team, I noticed, together with Dr Victor Hui, that “no wonder so many kids complain about sore eyes, our eyes are hurting too!

Kenya Spur Afrika 2021 - Packing

It was packing night. Praying we can take as much as we can. Shout out to Grace for her amazing & awesome packing skills. Thanks for helping us pack over 90kg worth of donated goodies.

Kenya Spur Afrika 2021 - Chinatown

While passing through Melbourne’s Chinatown on Friday, some ‘Season Greet

Kenya Spur Afrika 2021 - Laksa Garden

Thanks for lunch at Laksa Garden!! Trying to eat all the yummy things in Melbourne before we leave. Praying that everything will go smoothly - most pressing is the covid test before the flights and packing!

Kenya Spur Afrika 2021 - Preparations and COVID

Although this Spur Afrika Kenya Trip (25th December 2021 to 6th January 2022) has been planned - in one form or another - for a while, the finalization of detail has been something of a ‘surprise’.

Kenya Spur Afrika 2021 - Welcome!

Hello friends! Welcome to the support, encouragement & prayer group for Rosalie and David. We are planning to start our journey on Dec 25th and to come back on Jan 7th.

Relationship between morbidity potentially attributable to air pollution and gender in Kibera, Kenya.

The relationship between gender and symptoms and conditions potentially aggravated by air pollution is explored amongst school-age children seen during a screening clinic in Kibera, an informal settlement of Nairobi, Kenya.

Spur Afrika Mobile Clinics 2020

Spur Afrika mobile clinics were held in January 2020, seeing children from several schools in Kibera, Kenya, and children sponsored by the Spur Afrika Elimsha program. Health activities included medical and dental checks, dental hygiene education and medication education.